I was going to wait to post this until early July, but I can't wait...too excited. I get to be at ALA again this year, again on a nonfiction for reluctant readers panel. This year, it's me and a WHOLE bunch of other good, good writers. If any of you have time on Sunday, sure would love to meet you. And you'll get a great cross section of new titles to consider, direct from the authors that wrote them. Hope you'll stop by. I'm also signing at the Lerner and Sterling booths. BAGHDAD ZOO won't be ready in time from HarperCollins/Greenwillow, but they promise me I'll have an F&G -- maybe. : ) Anyway, here's the "official" ALA website skinny, with our Wiki link (courtesy of Anastasia Suen) added:
Despite the emphasis on fiction for leisure reading in schools, many reluctant readers are often more drawn to reading nonfiction. Expand your nonfiction repertoire as 18 authors booktalk their latest work. Panelists include award-winning and acclaimed authors April Pulley Sayre (VultureView), Kelly Milner Halls (Albino Animals), and Carla McClafferty (Something Out of Nothing: Marie Curie and Radium), as well as many additional prolific or brand new authors. Their booktalks, plus new ones crafted by audience members, will be yours to take back home to excite your students about reading nonfiction.
Speakers: Anastasia Suen; JoAnn Early Mackin; Gwendolyn Hooks; Carla Killough McClafferty; Wendie Old; April Pulley Sayre,and more.
12:15 pm – Learner booth
3:30 pm – Sterling booth